Hey New Friends!

Refuse limitations. Refuse limitations. Yep, that is the mantra/motto for MOM-STA and here is why. Growing up with a single “always dating” dad, his “lady friends” would always try to put me in a box. Yes, I know the dreadful classic Cinderella story that I was the horrible little girl that would not amount to anything. That was me!  

Anyway, working in corporate America, don’t have to tell you that as soon as you walk through the door, there is a “box” and it’s rare that the company lets anyone outside of their “box”. These limitations kept happening over and over again even when having kids. Other parents were easily offended if you didn’t agree with their parenting styles, playing by the “sandbox” rules or the attention seeking designer fashionista parent that attends events and tries to shame you for being the biggest fan of your child as they all sit on the sidelines putting you in that pitiful “box”! 

Over a year ago, I was alone in the hospital waiting to hear a diagnosis while distracting myself with online shopping. Feeling frustrated that my clothing choices are limited based on trendy half-tops, tiny sizes and tight-fitted clothes on every site. I just wanted to find my perfect double C (not breast size), “CUTE and COMFY" clothes! With a busy schedule I just wanted something to throw on that can be dressed down or up and not always leggings or a top two sizes too small especially on the days when I feel bloated. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good pair of leggings but don’t want to feel like a stuffed sausage all the time or a sexy vixen trying too hard! 

What does this have to do with clothing? Plain and simple. Removing the “box”, being free, inspirational, unapologetic, risk takers, visionaries, game changers, and finally exploring the “double C” of life and in clothing for myself and all my NEW friends (THAT’S YOU, so glad to meet you). 

You are probably like why is MOM-STA the name if it is for all women and not just for moms? Well with or without kids, we all have a little MOM-STA in us. A nurturing, supportive, bad-ass that is a guiding light shining bright like a star.  . Which is why MOM-STA offers custom fun, sassy/lighting, comfy and cute clothing for all of us on-the-goers! Just want to inspire and evoke stepping out of the box while having a community of women that can encourage each other   in a cute and comfy way.

The adventure awaits for us.  Now let’s get our double “C” on! 


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